Red Rooms – Dust [SCHIMMER]

YouTube video

Artist: VA
Title: Ukraine Fundraiser VA
Label: Schimmer Records
Genre: #techno
Release Date: 4/8/2022

As Putin’s Invasion continues, the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine is deteriorating by the day.
Civil Deaths are increasing, millions of innocent people are on the run.
Each passing day, Russian forces rage on, destroying Ukrainian cities, shattering the lives of millions of people
..and there’s no end in sight.

Showing cohesion and solidarity is now more important than ever.

It goes without saying that we as Schimmer Records are supporting the Ukrainians and tackle the crisis by all our available means.
In addition to signing petitions, attending demonstrations, sharing facts and using our voice to create widespread and sustained awareness of the situation,
we decided to raise funds to support the people in Ukraine directly.

More than 30 Artists and Friends from all over the world, joined our project and offered their services free of charge.
Thank you for participating and making this project happen!

We must also express special thanks to Clasps.
Clasps is an Ukrainian citizen who is sitting in Kyiv right now and agreed on mastering the submitted tracks.
We have chosen him so we can donate the costs of the creation process to a person that shares the same interests as we do and is in need of help more than ever.

100% of the revenue will be donated to:

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Stay responsible and support the artists by purchasing their songs.
No copyright infringement intended, uploaded in low quality for the promotional purpose to respect the parties involved.
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