Developer – Arcadians 58 [ASD030]

YouTube video


Modularz Compilation – The 6 Planet Discovery Mission

Inigo Kennedy – J1407B
Silent Servant – Ranxerox
Developer – Arcadians 58
Developer – Volumino
Benjamin Damage – Azizos
Developer – Ursans

Artist: Developer
Label: Axis Records
Release Date: 07-05-2021

Jeff brought a clever idea to me and that was to create a compilation for “the Escape Velocity” project. It was clear that it was important to keep the Axis aesthetic and that the whole thing would be curated by Modularz. So I took the information Jeff gave me and began to select only a few producers that I felt that could contribute something different without orbiting too far out of the Axis Solar System. The 6 planet discovery mission is a metaphor in discovering something else or out of the Axis norm and I used planets instead of artists to describe this. I asked each artist to name their created tracks after a new discovered planet if they were given the opportunity and in total we came up with 6 to complete the compilation. – Developer

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